What comes to your mind when you hear holistic therapies? There are so many different modalities to help our horses, it can sometimes be confusing about what they all do. To me, the word holistic means looking at the horse as a whole. One area of the horse will always be affecting another, everything in the body is connected.why-holistic-therapies-are-so-important-our-horses

Until now, holistic therapies have been seen as a nice to have or not beneficial, simply because of lack of understanding and openness to it. The horse world can be very traditional and anything outside of the vet, farrier and chiro realm was deemed unnecessary. That really isn’t the case. Just because something has been done one way for such a long time, doesn’t mean it’s the best way and that there isn’t more to learn. There is always more to learn and there will always be new modalities becoming available to our horses.

The horse world can be very opinionated and judgemental and even if a horse owner is open to trying new things for their horse, they’ll be victimised for doing so, just because it isn’t the norm. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but how can someone give judgement about a modality when they have never tried it? People either react through fear or respond through love and there is a lot of fear in the horse world.

If you want to try a new modality for your horse, that you believe will help, I want to encourage you to do it. Give it a try and give the modality a chance to work. Therapy is never a one session process, multiple sessions are often needed, but you would be surprised how quickly just one session helps and the amazing benefits a treatment programme has.

For me holistic therapies are so important because the whole horse needs looking after. And I don’t mean just their body. The mind, body & spirit connection is the most important factor when it comes to your horse’s health. If you’ve never had a bodyworker work with your horse, I highly recommend it. There are many different modalities to help each system of the body. I’m qualified in the Masterson Method myself and chose this method because it works with every system in the body. There are so many other methods too, including craniosacral therapy, red light therapy and massage therapists to name a few.

The above modalities will specifically help your horse physically and mentally but the spiritual health of your horse should never be neglected. Their spiritual health is the foundation to their overall health and how physically strong they are, how they behave, their ability to relax and perform. It’s the component in the horse world which is the most overlooked and massively underestimated. When your horse receives the right spiritual care, they will be the very best versions of themselves and give you their all. I help horses spiritually by clearing negative attachments, cleansing their energy field, nourishing their chakras, strengthening their connection to spirit, reconnecting them with spirit, ensuring they are grounded and open to receiving help from their spirit team. I offer remote sessions where I tune in with your horse to see what is going on with them, during this session I also communicate with them and establish the root cause of issues.

These sessions have profound results, with positive change seen within the first couple of days. The best way to describe how these sessions help your horse is that they increase your horse’s feeling of safety and belonging, they help your horse to become more present in their mind and body, they reconnect with themselves, release trauma and events that have significantly affected your horse. They essentially help your horse to release fear, worry, depression, grief, injuries and anything else your horse is holding onto which is not serving them. You don’t have to be spiritual or even believe in the methods for it to work. When I work soul to soul with a horse, nothing else matters. Following these sessions, you receive a report explaining what came up in the session and what I worked on with your horse. You can have questions to ask beforehand, but this isn’t needed. What needs to be released will always come up, and again it’s a treatment programme process. There is always something to release, especially if your horse has experienced trauma (which every horse does) it needs to be released in layers.

Yes, there are woo woo methods out there! And you do need to be careful who you trust. But that’s the case with every single practitioner on all levels. It’s about finding the right practitioner for your horse. I practice ancient zen spiritualism, practiced for thousands of years. This is the horse’s first language, which is why they resonate so highly with these techniques and how incredible results are produced. Horse’s are highly spiritual beings, which is often forgotten. If your horse has a problem and you feel you haven’t got to the root cause, this level of spiritual healing will be just what your horse needs. I also do sessions for owners too, we have to work on ourselves if we want the best from our horse’s.

These practices were how horses used to be treated and healed but have been forgotten with the advancement of technology and allopathic medicine. It’s about balance, having veterinary care when needed, but also questioning how else can I help and support my horse. Sometimes horse’s emotions are also forgotten about, but this is a big mistake, especially when their emotions can cause physical ailments in the body. I love using essential oils because they help the horse in every aspect of their health, I feel very lucky to have had an amazing mentor from the age of 6 teaching me about essential oils and crystals.

If you know my story, you’ll know how pivotal holistic therapies were in my own healing journey. I was diagnosed with a severe medical condition just before my 21st birthday. Not much was known about the condition and still isn’t. Nothing worked and I was getting worse, so I became my own doctor. Spiritual healing, essential oils and crystals saved my life. I got stronger and became a practitioner myself, applying everything I’d learnt to horses with life changing results too.

If you want an amazing life with your horse, they must be helped and cared for in a holistic way.

If you don’t know where to start, contact Hannah for your horse’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.