The sun is finally shining, which can only mean more time outside with our horses - hooray! However, in preparation for the inevitable turn in the British weather, we have a jam-packed issue to keep you busy on those rainy days too.
The team here had the privilege of witnessing Frederic Pignon & Magali Delgado in action at their clinic back in May, hosted by Organised Equestrian. Turn to page 12 to find out more!
On the run up to this year’s Horsemanship Showcase event, we caught up with UK-based Australian, Jason Webb, who is a leading horse trainer with a myriad of experience when it comes to all equine issues. Jason spoke with us about his approach to retraining ex-racehorses.
Find out how Gill Leach became involved in holistic healing & therapy for both animals and humans, and her passion for finding a natural alternative to her client’s needs.
Bev Walton continues her ‘Why Groundwork’ series, and in part five she explores Mounting. Ross Cooper looks at the same issue as part of his ‘Back to Basics’ series and presents a different flavour with his approach.
Carole Herder, Author of the #1 International Bestseller There Are No Horseshoes in Heaven, discusses the issues surrounding the question, ‘Why My Horse?’ when it comes to laminitis.
All of us here hope you enjoy this issue, and do get in touch to let us know what you have been up to with your horse.
Joel Conner is a humble man, but his humility does not distract from his affinity with horses or his commitment to helping his students become better horsemen. Our own Kate McLaughlin caught up with him on the eve of his Irish clinic at Drumcoura City, Co. Leitrim to find out what he had in store for the participants.
Brandon continues to explore the concept of baroque western riding and introduces the function, application and theory of riding a horse with a spade bit. "The zenith of riding in the vaquero or buckaroo cultures is to be able to ride a horse in a style that is known as 'straight up in the bridle' - which means to be able to ride a horse, who is capable and competent being bitted solely in a spade. This takes from anything upwards of five or six years of training to accomplish."
Al Dunning also explores a Vaquero tradition, the Romal reins. Explaining when using hackamores, you use twisted horsehair rein called a mecate (muhkah-tee). When training and showing performance horses as Al does, the typical reins used are split reins or romal (ro-mahl) reins.
There are lots of fascinating articles in this issue, we hope you can find a nice quiet time in your day to sit and enjoy them, uninterrupted.